Project film projection at the University of Pavia

Project film projection at the University of Pavia

On Tuesday 20th November the project film just realized (and now available on this website) was presented at the University of Pavia (Botanic Garden), within a seminar organized for BSc and MSc in Natural Sciences. The meeting was focussed on the role and the importance of communication in Science, particularly how people involved in natural sciences should approach this issue.

Before the film, member staff of the University of Pavia (Dr Andrea Mondoni, Prof. Graziano Rossi and Francesco Porro) presented the  “Alpine Seed Conservation and Research Network” discussing about the importance of conservation and research on alpine flora and how communication is nowday more crucial then ever in scientific projects.

During the seminar Dr Marco Buemi, a free-lance journalist active in crowdfounding projects on sustainable development and animal protection, provided a real life experiences of communication in science.